Guide - Final Fantasy Origins

What's New

Version 1.0 - (16/04/2003)

I got the basics of the Final Fantasy I guide down. Psycho Penguin is sitting on his butt as we speak, typing up his part. I submitted my part. Need to finish bestiary. Add in more to the secrets part. I need to finish the bestiary. Psycho Penguin needs to get his part done. No pressure....not too much. I screwed up, and deleted my 70 hour data. So, I need to go through the whole game again and get every single thing....I broke my finger punching the wall too....

Version 1.2 - (15/07/2003)

After Steve decided to bail and lie to me for about 3 months about doing this project. I got angry, and kicked his ass off my team. I've became a huge ASCII whore as well. This update has all Final Fantasy I down but weapons. WOO HOO! With a new partner, that's an actual workhorse (SINIROTHX), this thing will be done soon!

Version 1.3 - (06/09/2003)

Nick: Sorry about the delay, but I've finally managed to make an update! Now, the guide is not done yet, due to my four other current projects but what I've done here is get to finishing Dreadnought in the big walkthrough, and all appendices have been completed as well. Next update of the guide will contain all information, and it shall be brought to its final conclusion. Whew!

Scott: We've yet to set down over an IM and talk about how this will be formatted together. That's why his part looks different. I need to finish my own weapons armor section. He needs to get a bestiary done. This update includes a redone boss section. Due to the fact Nick just let me use his. Also, Nick meet a girl in this timeframe. We all know what the delay really was! :D I'm also in the middle of a few FAQs, which is why the updates are taking so long.

Also, my finger healed, in case anyone cares.

Version 1.5 - (12/01/2004)

THIS GUIDE IS TAKING FOREVER TO FINISH. I can't seem to get a partner that won't:

  1. Lie.
  2. Steal other's work.
  3. Be lazy.

Oh well. Took down all of Siniroth's work and resubmitted. Kain Stryder is on the FF2 portion. PLEASE, KAIN, DON'T LET ME DOWN!


  • Reformatted the whole guide.
  • Created a Weapons/Armor section.
  • Finished up the Boss Section!

Verison 1.7 - (30/01/2004)

Kain here. I've taken the liberty to "edit" the walkthrough a bit to fix up FFMrebirth's layout and fix a few things here and there. I myself have begun work on Final Fantasy II, so expect SOME progress up very soon. Other than that, stay tuned...

Verison 1.8 - (26/03/2004)

Kain again. Yeah, been a while, huh? Anyway, I've completed Final Fantasy II, as in, beating the game, now I'm currently going through and writing up the entire guide for it now. As it stands, I JUST finished the Monster List, so, that's up, but other than that, not much else. So, until my next update, enjoy what little is there...

Version 1.85 - (29/03/2004)

Kain here. I added up the Item, Weapon and Armor Lists for Final Fantasy II today and I also did the White Magic List. Other than that, nothing else is new, so, stay tuned as more updates come!

Version 2.0 - (30/03/2004)

It's Kain once again. Well, today FFMrebirth did some work and finished Final Fantasy I's Weapon and Armor Lists, plus he redid the Bestiary's format. So, at this time, Final Fantasy I is COMPLETE. Woooo. As for myself, I completed the Black Magic List and added up the Secrets Section under Final Fantasy II. Not alot for me today, I know, as I'm rather busy, but expect more soon. Well, enjoy for now!

Version 2.1 - (31/03/2004)

Once again, it's me, Kain. Yeah, don't expect updates from FFMrebirth any more, UNLESS it's to fix something or whatever, as his parts done now and it's just me. But yeah, I completed the Shop Guide and The Characters Of The Story today and all that's left now is Section IV. How To Play and then I can get cracking on the actual walkthrough itself. Expect more tomorrow!

Version 2.2 - (04/04/2004)

Well, it's Kain again. I added up Section IV. How To Play today under Final Fantasy II and now all that remains is for me to start up The Walkthrough itself, then I'm done. So, in a few days, expect some progress made on The Walkthrough, if I don't get too busy. Well, see you later!

Version 2.25 - (05/04/2004)

Kain again. I started The Walkthrough today and updated up to Semitt Falls. Not that far in the game, but it's decent for today. Either way, except more tomorrow, as I get really going on this. Well, enjoy for now, as there's more coming soon!

Version 2.30 - (06/04/2004)

Hey, it's me, Kain. I updated The Walkthrough once again up to the start of Kai'son Castle today, but other than that, nothing else. Expect more tomorrow!

Version 2.35 - (07/04/2004)

Kain once again. Well, I updated The Walkthrough just up to you meeting Leila at Paloom and going to find the Dragoons. Expect more tomorrow and also, FFMrebirth will be changing his portion of the layout soon and making a few changes to Final Fantasy I, so, that'll take place soon, since I know he's working on that at the moment. So, until tomorrow, see ya!

Version 2.45 - (02/05/2004)

Hey all, Kain here. Sorry for the long delay in no updating. I received an assignment for IGN, so I was busy with that. Anyway, I'm done with it and I can focus on this once more. For today, I've updated up to Mysidia now, right after getting the White Mask. Expect more tomorrow possibly and until then, later!

Version 2.5 - (03/05/2004)

Kain here. I worked and got The Walkthrough up to the start of Leviathan today. Expect more tomorrow and until then, enjoy!

Version Final - (04/05/2004)

Well, it's me, Kain again. I've completed the entire Final Fantasy II Walkthrough now, along with all the appendencies, etc. You name it, it's done. Whew, glad to have that out of the way. Well, I hope my guide helps you and until my or FFMrebirth's next update, which will be whenever for whatever reason, enjoy and see ya!

Version Final - (13/06/2004)

FFM here! I just rewrote the entire FF1 list of the monsters and added in more information thanks to Lord Skylark. Check it out! Later!