Guide - Final Fantasy Origins

Terra Cavern

Make sure your guys are levelled to about 10 or 11. These monsters are very hard in here if you're on a low level.

When you enter you'll see 4 paths leading 4 different directions. The top one takes you around to a door. In the door you will find 1975 Gil. The path that goes to the right leads to the stairs that go down to the next floor. The bottom path leads to another door. You'll come to a breakage point in the path. Take the left path, you'll come to another door. In here is a potion and 880 Gil. Go back and take the other path. You'll be at another door. You'll see two chests, walk between the two of them and get into a fight with a tough monster, Gnoma. You'll find an antidote and 795 Gil. To the left of the starting staircase is the "Hall of Giants". Here's where you gain much needed EXP and Gil if you need it.

Proceed down the staircase that goes to floor 2. You're in a maze, and mazes suck ass. Here's instructions on how to get past this floor:

  1. Go down into the room below where the staircase is.
  2. Go up one room.
  3. The room you're in should have two paths going down and one that goes to the right. Take the on at the bottom right.
  4. Go down through this room.
  5. Go down again.
  6. You'll be at a room with an opening going down and one going to the right. Take the one going to the right. If you go straight down from here you'll get three treasure chests
  7. Go over to your left, then go down till you find the stair leading to floor 3.

You can explore around in the maze for some treasure too: Leather Shield, 575 Gil, 795 Gil, Coral Sword, Tent.

After you're on floor 3 Go left till you come to a break. If you go left you'll see a door. In here is just a sleeping bag, leave and go north. Keep going and you'll see another door. In here is 3400 dollars. Just go around in a circle until you get to a door at the end. In here is the vampire. Just go around in the circle till you get to the next boss...


Recommended Level: 10/11
HP: 156
Difficulty: 1/5
EXP: 400
Gil: 2000

Hit him with fire and regular attacks. He'll be dead in one or two turns.

Now, you acquire the star ruby. Get the hell out of the cave and go back to the eleven town. Go here and restore any downed characters. After you're done there, head west to: