Guide - Final Fantasy Origins


After the Battle, the Emperor will be amazed and wonder who you are as he fades into nothing. Firion and everyone head back home and are created by their comrades. After some thanks and talk, Leon apparently wishes not to live with everyone, as he's seen and done too much and leaves. Then, Mindu, Cid, Josef and Gareth all appear and a silent goodbye is said. Afterwards, for the rest of them, well, this is only the beginning of their lives, as they walk out and the credits role shortly after…

The end.

After the Credits, be sure to save your Game Data and then try and tackle Normal Mode, which is the same game, but without Auto-Target and some other things. You'll retain all the things collected in Easy Mode, so you don't have to actually gather everything again to fill in your lists.

Well, that about wraps it up for me. I hope my walkthrough helped you in the long run and until next time, I'll see you later!