Guide - Final Fantasy Origins

The Dreadnought Must Be Stopped!


  • Enemies In The Area: None.
    • Outside: Bloodsucker, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Hornet, Loper, Queen Bee, Sasquatch, Soldier And Strangler.
  • Items To Get: None.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.

Eh, Bafsk doesn't have much to offer you, in terms of weapons and Armour. Your Mythril Equipment is WAY better than the crap they sell, although check out the magic shop. I suggest you DEFINITELY get Esuna, maybe Basuna if you really hate Status Ailments that only last for the duration of the Battle, but it's your call. Fear and Silence are utterly useless, so, just don't bother with them. After this, from the magic shop, head west and talk to the Soldier you see here and tell him Dreadnought. He tells you he's a Rebel Spy and your ally and tells you how to get to the Dreadnought, as he leaves, deciding to split up. Follow the path west and head down the stairs when you're ready.

Bafsk Cave

  • Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Bloodsucker, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Soldier, Strangler And Zombie.
  • Items To Get: Longbow x1, Long Sword x1 And Pass x1.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.

As you enter this cave, head north and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Long Sword. Oh boy, how… useful. Anyway, next, head east and follow the path around and go south when possible and continue to follow the path west, then south and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Long Bow. Again, yay. Then head east and up the stairs and on this floor, head east as far as you can and then head north and follow the path and talk to the Dark Knight. He tells you he'd never leave the Dreadnought unguarded while it was being worked on and tells you nothing can stop them now, as he leaves and Borghen enters, taunts you and leaves himself. After the cool cutscene, enter the cave again and head east and enter the door here and in this room, grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Pass, the key to entering the Dreadnought. After you get this, head east and step on the teleporter here to warp out of this place and arrive outside of Bafsk.

Now, backtrack to Altair again and at Poft, ask Cid about the Airship again to learn about the "Sunfire" and how his Airship and the Dreadnought runs on it. After this, continue on back to Altair and once there, remove all of Mindu's Equipment, use his Magic to heal your party if need be and rest at the Inn. Then, go and talk to Hilda. (Note: Notice the damage here and at Paloom and Poft? Bad, isn't it?) You'll learn about the Dreadnought's attack and how the King's dying and there's nothing they can do. Mindu will leave the party now, since he needs to attend the wounded and tells Firion to stop the Dreadnought. Talk to Hilda and ask her about the "Sunfire" and she'll tell you about how Kai'son Castle has it, using it to light up the courtyard. Firion wonders if they can use it to stop the Dreadnought and Hilda thinks it'll work and tells you to go to Kai'son immediately and to get it, but she's not sure how you will.

After this, leave and head east and enter the room here to find Mindu and the King. Talk to the King and ask him about the "Sunfire" and he'll tell you you can't enter the castle without a Goddess's Bell. Memorise Goddess's Bell, then ask him about it and you learn only people of the Kai'son Clan know where it is. (Also, you can ask him about the Airship if you want.) So, go back and ask Hilda about it and she tells you Scott and Gordon knew about it, as it's located in the Snowfields and mentions how Josef is familiar with them. So, when you're ready, head out and go back to Salamand and once there, go and see Josef. Once you find him, talk to him and he thanks you for saving his daughter and says he's sorry about lying, but Borghen forced him to. Ask him about the Goddess's Bell and he'll tell you you can't make it far without his Snowcraft and how it's in Semitt Falls near a blue crystal.

He'll then join your party after this. Woo. Again, don't bother training him, as he won't be with you for very long. Rob him of his Items if you wish and give him Mindu's Equipment, minus the Mythril Mace and then once you're ready, head out of Salamand and go back to Semitt Falls and once there, enter it.

Semitt Falls

  • Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Green Slime, Loper, Sasquatch, Soldier And Zombie.
    • In the Snowfield: Icicle And Yeti.
  • Items To Get: Snowcraft x1.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.

Once you're inside Semitt Falls, head west and go to the blue crystal and go to the northeast of it and examine the wall. He tells you he used the blue crystal as a marker for where the Snowcraft was and he opens the passage now, so, enter the wall where he hit and in this area, open the Treasure Chest here to get a Snowcraft. After this, exit Semitt Falls and outside, head north now and enter the snowfield. Head east across the snowfield, until you see a cave to the north and enter that cave.

Snow Cavern

  • Enemies In The Area: Adamantoise, (Boss.) Balloon, Borghen, (Boss.) Deadringers, Floating Skull, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Grenade, Icicle, Shadow, Yeti And Zombie.
  • Items To Get: 100 Gil, 150 Gil, Ancient Sword x1, Antidote x1, Battle Axe x1, Goddess's Bell x1, Ice Scroll x1, Mythril Mace x1, Mythril Shield x1, Mythril Spear x1, Notus x1, Potion x2 And Silver Plate x1.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 500-600.

As you enter the Snow Cavern, follow the path and head west when you can to find a Treasure Chest, which holds 100 Gil. Then, follow the path south and grab the next Treasure Chest you see to get 150 Gil. Next, continue south and head down the stairs to the east and on this floor, just follow the path and head down the stairs, ignoring the door that leads to a room with nothing. On this floor, head north and follow the path around to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Notus. After this, head back to where you entered this floor and head east now and when you can, head north up the stairs and on the previous floor, follow the path and grab the 3 Treasure Chests around here to get a Battle Axe, Antidote and a Mythril Mace, which you'll have to fight Grenades for.

Next up, backtrack to the previous floor and head south now as far as you can go and follow the path west and head down the stairs. On this floor, head northwest and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Potion, then head east and open the Treasure Chest here to get an Ice Scroll. Then, head south and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Potion, then head east and grab the final Treasure Chest here to get a Mythril Spear. Next, head north past the door, since it's another empty room and head down the stairs nearby and on this floor, head west as far as you can to find a Treasure Chest that holds a Mythril Shield. Then, backtrack a bit, ignoring the door near the Treasure Chest, since it's also empty and head southwest as far as you can to find a Treasure Chest, which holds an Ancient Sword, but you have to fight some Shadows and Ghouls for it.

Once you get done, I suggest giving the Ancient Sword to Firion or whoever is using a Sword, as it's much better than the Mythril Sword. Then, head east and enter the door you see here and in this room, talk to the Giant Beaver to the far north against the wall, but you can't understand him. Luckily, Gus does, so, Ask him about the Goddess's Bell and Gus tells you that he says there's a hole in the wall to the east and a Monster protects the Goddess's Bell. After this, go ahead and go east up to the top of the wall and go through it into the next area and in this area, just follow the path all the way around and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Silver Plate. Since it's the same as a Mythril Mail, don't bother with it, unless someone doesn't have a Mythril Mail.

Either way, heal up and prepare yourself for another Boss and when you're ready, talk to the Monster nearby. If you need a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now for one, otherwise, move on after you defeat the Adamantoise. After the Battle, head north and examine the Goddess's Bell and after you get it, head up the newly formed stairs here and back on the first floor now, make your way to the entrance and remove all of Josef's Equipment before you talk to Borghen nearby. Once you do, he tells you he's failed thanks to you and the Emperor doesn't tolerate failure and he'll be killed for sure now, as you enter another Boss Battle. Again, if you need a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and continue on.

After the Battle, your party walks past him to leave, but he gets up and with his last breath, summons a boulder to kill you and bring you with him to Hell. Your party can't escape it, but Josef stops it and tells everyone to go on without him, but they can't leave him there. He tells them to go and they do, as the boulder slowly pushes Josef into a wall and kills him. After mourning the loss, leave this place and head back to Poft and use Cid's Airship to go to Kai'son now. (Note: Buy/Sell and/or train if you wish, but when you're ready, continue on.) Once you're there, enter Kai'son Castle.