Guide - Final Fantasy Origins



Weapons That Are Found/Bought (Normal):

Name Where found AP Hit% Users
Wooden Staff Corneria 6 0% All but TH
Wooden Nunchuck Corneria 12 0% N, BB, MA
Rapier Corneria 9 5% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Small Dagger Corneria 5 10% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW, BM, BW
Iron Hammer Corneria, Provokia 9 0% K, F, N, WM, WW
Short Sword Provokia 15 10% K, F, N, RM, RW
Scimitar Provokia 10 10% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Hand Axe Provokia 15 5% K, F, N
Iron Nunchuck Elfland 16 0% N, BB, MA
Iron Staff Elfland, Melmond 14 0% K, F, N, BB, MA
Large Dagger Elfland 7 10% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW, BM, BW
Silver Sword Elfland 23 15% K, F, N, RM, RW
Sabre Elfland, Melmond 13 5% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Falchon Melmond 15 10% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Long Sword Melmond 20 10% K, F, N, RM, RW
Silver Hammer Crescent Lake 12 5% K, F, N, WM, WW
Silver Axe Crescent Lake 25 10% K, F, N
Silver Knife Crescent Lake 10 15% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW, BM, BW
Catclaw Gaia 22 35% K, N, RW, BW
Were Sword Temple of Fiends 18 15% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Rune Sword Temple of Fiends 18 15% K, F, N, RM, RW
Power Staff Northwest Castle 12 0% All but TH
Dragon Sword Dwarf Cave 19 15% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Great Axe Titan's Tunnel 22 5% K, F, N
Coral Sword Earth Cave 19 15% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Flame Sword Ice Cave 2BF 26 20% K, F, N, RM, RW
Ice Sword Castle of Ordeals 3F,
Gurgu Volcano 4BF
29 25% K, F, N, RM, RW
Giant Sword Gurgu Volcano 2F 21 20% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Vorpal Mirage Tower 1F 24 25% K, RW, N
Sunsword Mirage Tower 2F 32 30% K, F, N, RM, RW
Katana Sky Castle 3F, ToF
Revisited, Fire Floor
33 35% N
Xcalibur Forged with Adamant 45 35% K
Masmune ToF Revisited, Air Floor 56 50% All but TH

Weapons That Are Found (Magical):

Name Where found AP Hit% Users Battle Ability
Heal Staff Castle of Ordeals 3F 6 0% N, WM, WW Casts Heal
Light Axe Sea Shrine 4F, Sea Shrine 2BF 28 15% K, F, N Casts Harm 2
Mage Staff Sea Shrine 4F 12 10% N, BM, BW Casts Fire 2
Defence Waterfall 30 35% K, N, RW Casts Ruse
Wizard Staff Waterfall 15 15% BW Casts Confuse
Thor's Hammer Mirage Tower 2F 18 15% K, N, WW Casts Lit 2
Bane Sword Sky Castle 1F 22 20% K, N, RW Casts Bane


Armour That Are Bought/Found:

Name Location Cost Abs Evd% Users
Cloth Corneria 10G 1 2% All
Wooden Armour Corneria 50G 4 8% K, F, N, TH, BB, MA, RM, RW
Chain Armour Corneria 80G 15 15% K, F, N, RM, RW
Cap Elfland 80G 1 1% All
Wooden Shield Provokia 15G 2 0% K, F, N
Iron Armour Provokia, Elfland 800G 24 23% K, F, N
Gloves Provokia 60G 1 1% All
Copper Gauntlet Melmond 200G 2 3% K, F, N
Iron Shield Elfland 100G 4 0% K, F, N
Copper Bracelet Elfland 1,000G 4 1% All
Wooden Helmet Elfland 100G 3 3% K, F, N
Iron Gauntlet Melmond 750G 4 5% K, F, N
Steel Armour Melmond 45,000G 34 33% K, F, N
Silver Bracelet Melmond 5,000 18 8% All
Silver Helmet Crescent Lake 250G 6 3% K, F, N
Silver Shield Crescent Lake 2,500G 8 0% K, F, N
Silver Armour Crescent Lake 7,500G 18 8% K, F, N, RM, RW
Buckler Crescent Lake 2,500G 2 0% K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Silver Gauntlet Crescent Lake 2,500G 6 3% K, F, N, RW
Flame Armour Gurgu Volcano 5F Found 34 10% K, F, N
Flame Shield Gurgu Volcano 4BF Found 12 0% K, F, N
Ice Armour Ice Cave 3BF Found 34 10% K, F, N
Ice Shield Ice Cave 1F Found 12 0% K, F, N
Gold Bracelet Gaia 50,000G 24 1% All
Zeus Gauntlet Castle of Ordeal 2F Found 6 3% K, N, RW
ProRing Gaia 20,000G 8 1% All
Power Gauntlet Sea Shrine 2BF Found 6 3% K, F, N, RW
Opal Bracelet Sea Shrine 5F Found 34 1% All
Opal Armour Sea Shrine 4F Found 42 10% K
Opal Helmet Sea Shrine Found 8 3% K
Opal Shield Sea Shrine 5F, Sky Castle 2F Found 16 0% K
Opal Gauntlet Sea Shrine 5F, Sky Castle 2F Found 8 3% K
Ribbon Waterfall, Sea Shrine 2BF, Sky Castle 2F Found 1 1% All
Dragon Armour Mirage Tower 2F Found 42 10% K
Aegis Shield Mirage Tower 1F Found 16 0% K
Heal Helmet Mirage Tower 1F, Sky Castle 1F Found 6 3% K, N
ProCape Sky Castle 3F, ToF Fire Floor Found 8 2% All
White Shirt Sky Castle Found 24 2% WW
Black Shirt Sky Castle Found 24 2% BW

Special Armour's Abilities:

Name Attribute/Ability
Zeus Gauntlet Casts Lightning 2 in battle
White Shirt Casts Invisibility 2 in battle
Black Shirt Casts Ice 2 in battle
Heal Helmet Casts Heal in battle
Power Gauntlet Casts Saber in battle
Flame Shield Defends against ice attacks
Flame Armour Defends against ice attacks
Ice Shield Defends against fire attacks
Ice Armour Defends against fire attacks
ProRing Defends against instant death attacks
Opal Shield Defends against lightning attacks
Opal Armour Defends against lightning attacks
Ribbon Defends against all enemy magic and status effects
Dragon Armour Defends against all fire, ice, and lightning attacks
Aegis Shield Defends against gas attacks