Guide - Final Fantasy Origins

Final Fantasy Origins

Final Fantasy I/II

Written By FFMrebirth/Kain Stryder

Note: If you have questions pertaining to Final Fantasy I, please E-Mail FFMrebirth ONLY and if you have questions pertaining to Final Fantasy II, please E-Mail Kain Stryder ONLY, thank you. E-Mails sent to the wrong authors otherwise will be ignored. Do not ask FFMrebith about Final Fantasy II and do not ask Kain Stryder about Final Fantasy I. I've personally (Kain Stryder) received too many E-Mails about FFMrebirth's Guide, so please, follow this. Thank you! :)

  • Note: Final Fantasy I is based on playing the game on "Normal" mode.
  • Note: Final Fantasy II is based on playing the game on "Easy" mode.

(Normal Mode for Final Fantasy II is the same game as Easy Mode, only with a few things different, such as no Auto-Target, no running button, etc. Monsters, etc, are all the same and not weaker. Nothing besides some Menu options which were added into the PlayStation Version are changed.)