Guide - Final Fantasy Origins

Spell List


Level 1: Costs 100

  • Fire1
    Inflicts 10-40 damage of fire damage. This spells is ideal for the beginning of the game. Since most monsters then are weak against fire. Pick this spell up for sure in the first town, LIT can wait.
  • Sleep1
    Puts foes to sleep. It works well when you're in a fight with a million wolves at once. It's better than Focus in my opinion, only because you can take out hordes of monsters with ease.
  • Focus1
    Lowers a foe's evasion by 10 points. This makes it so that when you hit the monster, it'll do more damage. Not much, just maybe a few more hits.
  • Bolt1
    Inflicts 10-40 lightning damage. Nothing is really weak against bolt at the beginning of the game. (There are some, but not enough to warrant a buy.) It's still better than that crappy Focus, so pick it up.

Spells to get: Fire1, Bolt1, Sleep1

Level 2: Costs 400

  • Ice1
    Inflicts 20-80 ice damage. Works better in boss fights than both Bolt and fire. Make sure you pick this spell up. Most of the time just because it's an elemental spell is enough to warrant a buy.
  • Fog
    Blinds foes with heavy fog. This spell is really stupid. It makes it to where, if they try and attack, they'll miss more often. Sounds good, but it really isn't that good.
  • Steel
    Raises attack by 14 points. This is another waste of spell right here. Who gives a rats ass about the mage and if they can attack? No one really. You can cast it on a fighter, however, and kick the holy hell out of everything. Make sure you get it.
  • Slow1
    Slows foes down, reducing their attacks. This spell is great! monsters at around the marsh cave will only be able to hit you

Spells to get: Ice1, Steel, Slow

Level 3: Costs 1200

  • Fire2
    Inflicts 30-120 fire damage. Fire2 is a can of kick ass at the point in the game when you get it. Make sure you buy it first, it'll really pounds about everything into the ground with big damage. That, and the fact most monsters are weak against fire makes this spell classic!
  • Bind
    Paralyses a foe. Total rip off, there's not one monsters you'll need to "paralyse" if you think about it. It's pretty much a lame spell thye put in there.
  • Bolt2
    Inflicts 30-120 lightning damage. If you battle on the sea, or just need a semi-powerful spell to help take out the baddies, this is it. Bolt 2 won't really "help" you a lot at the beginning of the game.
  • Focus2
    Lowers foes' evasion by 10 points. Get this only because it lets you do a little more damage to most foes. It even works on the main boss of the whole game. I used it anyway <_<

Spells to Get: Fire2, Bolt2, Focus 2

Level 4: Costs 4000

  • Sleep2
    Puts a foe to sleep. It puts them to sleep for a hell of a long time as well. It will knock about all enemies out for a while, just enough for you to kick their ass most likely.
  • Haste
    Doubles frequency of an ally's attacks. This spell is the best spell in the game, bottom line. It makes your damage go up about 2X. A must for fighting the fiends, unless you want a challenge.
  • Muddle
    Confuses foe into turning on each other. This is another one of those "We're lame so lets make up a POS spell" spells. It really serves no purpose other than to take your money. Don't buy this pile of crap.
  • Ice2
    Inflicts 40-160 ice damage. You damn right, this is the spell you want to get while around the volcano. It packs a strong punch, and will finish off most monsters around the time when you get it.

Spells to Get: Ice2, Haste, Sleep2

Level 5: Costs 8000

  • Fire3
    Inflicts 50-200 Damage. This spell is ok. You won't be using it a lot, only against undead hordes. It's still the best fire spell in the whole game. Make sure you pick it up, though.
  • Poison
    Instantly annihilates foes. It only kills about 20% of the monsters that you use it on. I will, however, kill some monsters more often than others. Pick it up, since warp 1 sucks.
  • Warp1
    Warps the party to the previous floor. What a waste, who wants to cast the spell 5+ times just to get out of a dungeon, even if you have that much MP to spare. It's not worth it. Plus you need an upgraded mage to use it.
  • Slow2
    Slows a foe down, reducing its attacks. Slow comes back again for another round with the monsters. This time it's actually good and can stop a whole horde of monsters in their tracks. Slow really shines at the end of the game, when you can immobilise big monsters.

Spells to get: Fire3, Poison, Slow2

Level 6: Costs 20000

  • Bolt3
    Inflicts 60-240 Lighting damage. The strongest Bolt spell in the game. I recommend you pick it up before going to fight Kraken. It'll save you a lot trouble fighting 9 king shangans.
  • Reaper
    Instantly kills a foe. Haha, if it hits. This is another one of those spells that the description alone is alluring. Don't go for it. The chances of death are pretty slim with this spell. It's still better than that silly poison, though.
  • Quake
    Calls an earthquake to swallow foes. It's like Poison +, only it won't hit airborne enemies. The chances of death are a lot higher than with poison as well. You should buy it just because stun sucks. My reasons don't always make sense. BUT I'M WRITING THE GUIDE!
  • Stun
    Paralyses a foe. This is trash, I should punch the creators for this. So you have one of the 4 foes paralysed OHH BIG DIFFERENCE that will make. Really, use logic, it's another poo spell that you should pass up. Make sure to smack to store owner for selling this trash.

Spells to Get: Bolt3, Quake, Anything else

Level 7: Costs 45000

  • Saber
    Raises own attack +16, Accuracy +10. While this may sound all good, it's not. The problem is, who cares about how hard the mage can hit? He's not going to turn into Conan the Barbarian after you use this spell. Don't get it twisted.
  • Blind
    Blinds a foe. They won't be able to see anything when your sword hits them, and they try to hit back. It hardly every works as well. Think of it as Stun JR. THAT BAD.
  • Ice3
    Inflicts 70-280 ice damage. Smackdown ahoy, if you have the MP to do so. This spell will level a lot of monsters later in the game. It won't level the monsters at the end of the game. However, it's still a good spell for taking out hordes of enemies.
  • Break
    Petrifies a foe. Think of it as Reaper SR. The thing about break, is that it can usually hit a foe. It also can kill Tiamat in one hit, so that's a good thing.

Spells to get: Saber, Ice3, Break

Level 8: Costs 60000

  • Stop
    Stops time for foes, immobilising them. Ohh..oh yeah. It'll take most the foes on the screen, and turn them into statues basically. You can then beat the hell out of them.
  • Banish
    Sends foes to another dimension. It's like super poison. It'll take with it a lot of the monsters. It there's a horde, you can bet your ass most of them will be gone. Pick this up
  • Doom
    Instantly kills a foe. Yes, it kills almost ANYTHING in one hit. The whole "Kill one monster" aspect still isn't that great. Pass it up.
  • Flare
    Blasts foes with light and heat. This is it young children, flare. Not only is it non-elemental, meaning unbiased damage to all. But, it does a fudge load of damage as well. If you don't buy this spell, I deem you stupid, and you need to stop reading this FAQ.

Spells to get: Stop, Flare, Banish


Level 1: Costs 100

  • Cure1
    Restores 16-32HP. This is a must at the beginning of the game. You need to hear yourself no matter what. Buy this spell first!
  • Dia1
    Inflicts 20-80 damage on undead monsters. This is another one of those spells that you'll say "Thank God (Whoever) I bought this thing." It'll be a lot of help to you in the Marsh Cave.
  • Shld1
    Raises Defence by 8 points. This spell can save you a lot of damage if you cast it on the fighter, It'll make to were everyone dies but who ever it was casted on. I mean this by everyone else will get killed by the monsters, while you're there in your ball of power not being able to be damaged much. Great for boss battles.
  • Blink
    Raises own evasion by 80 points. This is a hell of a lot evasion. It'll make you to where you can barely get hit. Not all that good, since battles tend to be done quick on this game.

Spells to Get: Cure1, Dia1, Shld1

Level 2: Costs 400

  • Lamp
    Cures Darkness. This means you won't go around in the middle of a battle and not know where to attack. This makes it to where your attacks will actually land.
  • Silence
    Prevents foes from casting spells. You'll only need to use this spell maybe 10 times in the whole game, and most of that is against bosses.
  • NulBolt
    Reduces lighting damage by 50%. Worthless stuff right here my friends. The problem is: When are you ever going to need to use this move to stop someone from demolishing your party with lightning? Never.
  • Invis1
    Raises Evasion by 40 points. This is another one of those spells that you use to support your fighter with. Since most every other spell here sucks, pick it up.

Spells to get: Invis1, Lamp, Silence

Level 3: Costs 1200

  • Cure2
    Restores 33-66 HP. This is another one of those "Must have" spells that you, well, must have. It'll cure a good portion of your HP back at the time you get it. Make cure spells your top choice.
  • Dia2
    Inflicts 40-160 damage on undead foes. Another great spell, this thing will clear house when it's time to fight undeads. Undeads usually leave high amounts of gold as well.
  • Nulfire
    Reduces fire damage by 50%. STUPID STUPID!
  • Heal1
    Restores 12-24 HP to whole team. The amount of HP that is given back to your party is pathetic to say the least. It'll be good to use right before boss battles, though. Pick it up.

Spells to pick up: Cure2, Dia2, Heal1

Level 4: Costs 4000

  • Esuna
    Cures poison. This is a spell that you'll want to invest in. It'll make those baddies that poison you a lot not be so scary. Still not as scary as my english.
  • Fear
    Drives foes away in terror. TERROR! TERROR OF WHAT! A little spell? Monsters usually just laugh at the caster. Not really but it hardly ever works.
  • NulIces
    Reduces ice damage by 50%. TRASH!
  • Vox
    Cures Mute. You never really get "muted" in the game, so this spell is pretty much worthless if you think about it.

Spells to get: This is the lamest Level of magic in the game. Get what you want

Level 5: Costs 8000

  • Cure3
    Restores 66-132 HP. This is another cure spell that you must get first. It's essential to have this spell anytime in the game. It restores a good amount of HP for what it is. Make sure you pick it up first.
  • Life1
    Revives an ally from KO status. MUST HAVE this spell. When one of your characters are dead in battle, you can bring them back. It's a really good spell. Probably what makes the white mage what it is
  • Dia3
    Inflicts 60-240 damage on undead foes. This is another one of those spells that you'll say "Thank God I bought this thing." It'll be a lot of help to you in other caves and stuff. Buy this one after you get Cure and Life.
  • Heal2
    Restores 24-48 HP to all allies. It doesn't restore enough HP to really redeem the reason you bought it. Just pass this one up. While not a bad spell at all, the other three are just too good. Plus that's what potions are for.

Spells to get: Cure3, Life1, Dia3

Level 6: Costs 20000

  • Stona
    Cures Stone. If you get stoned, not by smoking weed, but by an enemy, this spell will unstone you...if that's a word.
  • Warp2
    Warps party out of dungeons. This spell with get you out of even the deepest dungeons. A must have, really, you need to buy this spell. It's saved my life many of times.
  • Shld2
    Raises party's Defence by 12 points. Good for boss battle mostly. Pick it up and make sure you use it at the beginning of battles.
  • Invis2
    Raises party's Evasion by 40 points. Another great spell to have with you when you fight Chaos. He'll hit you multiple times for about 500 damage. With this spell on, he'll only pull of about 200 or so.

Level 7: Costs 45000

  • NulMgc
    Reinforces protection against instant death. STUPID!
  • Heal3
    Restores 48-96 HP to all allies. This time heal comes back into the game, and it means business. Heal 3 gives a lot of HP back compared to that of other heals. It's like casting cure 2 on your whole party.
  • Cure4
    Fully Restores HP. God resents those who don't have this spell in their arsenal.
  • Dia4
    Inflicts 80-320 damage on undead foes. All undead be molested in about 3 seconds. Good thing my friend.

Spells to get: Heal3, Cure4, Dia4

Level 8: Costs 60000

  • Holy
    Damages foes with divine light. This divine light is more of a joke than an actual spell. It's the only time white mage can really lay in the pounding (Minus Undead)
  • NulAll
    Reduces all spell damage by 50%. TRASH!
  • Dispel
    Obliterates a foe's magical defences. This takes all that things your foe has worked for, and crushed it all in front of him. He'll cry and stuff, too...not really. I usually get this spell, even though it sucks.
  • Life2
    Revives ally and fully restores HP. Yes.yes...this is the best spell the white mage has...yes...

Spells to get: Holy, Dispel, Life 2