Guide - Final Fantasy Origins

Mythril Is The Key To Matching The Empire!


  • Enemies In The Area: None.
    • Outside: Goblin, Hornet, Loper And Strangler.
  • Items To Get: None.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 300-400.

Nothing much is happening in Paloom, but the armour shop is worth checking out. They hold the Bronze Equipment, so, buy 3 Copper Plates, 3 Bronze Shields, 4 Bronze Helmets and 4 Bronze Gloves and sell whatever you don't need now. As for the magic shop, if you really think you'll need it, buy Shield and Shell, but don't bother with Blink. Otherwise, don't bother with anything here. After this, nothing much else to do here, so, go back to the entrance of Paloom and talk to the Sailor here and agree to pay him 32 Gil for a ride to Poft, then leave Paloom when you're ready, enter the Ship and you'll arrive at Poft in just a few seconds. When you do, enter it.


  • Enemies In The Area: None.
    • Outside: Goblin, Hornet, Loper And Strangler.
  • Items To Get: None.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 300-400.

Well, Poft is basically a clone of Paloom, as far as Equipment goes. If you didn't get something in Paloom, now's your chance. Either way, though, the only thing to do around here is go to the Pub and talk to Cid. (Take a wild guess on which one he is.) Tell him "Airship" and he'll tell you to talk to the guy behind him if you want to go somewhere. If you tell him "Dreadnought", he snorts about how crappy it is compared to his Airship. If you really want to, pay the Gil to go to Salamand, but I suggest you walk there, as it's not THAT far away. Your call, though. If you walk it, leave Poft and head northwest until you find a town in the snow mountains. If not, you'll arrive there via Airship instantly.


  • Enemies In The Area: None.
    • Outside: Bloodsucker, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Loper, Queen Bee, Sasquatch, Soldier And Strangler.
  • Items To Get: None.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 300-400.

Ah, now this place has some upgrades for your weapons. I suggest getting Firion the Long Sword, Maria the Longbow, Gus the Battle Axe and Mindu the Mace. (Or whatever weapons you have everyone training in.) You can buy the Bronze Mail, but it's no different than the Copper Plate… weird. Either way, definitely check out the magic shop. I suggest you DEFINITELY get Life and Warp, as both are very, very useful. Faze and Banish are worthless, so, don't bother with them. After this, head into the house in the northeast part of town to find Josef and tell him anything you want to get a response out of him, but definitely "Mythril" and "Wild Rose." He can't trust you yet, but tells you if you can rescue some villagers who were taken to Semitt Falls, he'll help you out.

So, stock up on whatever you need to buy and then head to Semitt Falls, which is to the west. Walk as far west as you can and you'll see a river to the south and enter it, following it to the east until you see a cave. This is Semitt Falls, so, enter it.

Semitt Falls

  • Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Green Slime, Loper, Sasquatch, Sergeant, (Boss.) Soldier, Spiketoise And Zombie.
  • Items To Get: 1 Gil, 10 Gil, 50 Gil, 200 Gil, Eye Drops x1, Fire Scroll x1, Mythril x1, Potion x2 And Warp Scroll x1.
  • Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.

Note: Up to you, but try to Level up your new Magic Spells a few Levels, maybe get some more HP or whatever. This is a great place to do it, but if you need to, head back to Salamand and heal up.

As you enter Semitt Falls, head west as far as you can, ignoring the blue crystal you see and head north when possible. Grab the Treasure Chest here to get 10 Gil. Wooo. Next, head south as far as you can go and then head east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get 200 Gil and then head west and head down the stairs to the next area. On this floor, head northwest as far as you can to find a Treasure Chest which holds an Eye Drops, then head east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Potion. Next, head south and follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest you find to get a Potion, then continue north to find 4 doors. Enter the door farthest to the west, as the other 3 doors lead to empty rooms and you'll probably fight a Battle as you leave, so, yeah. In this area, just head down the stairs to the next floor and on this floor, head south to find a Treasure Chest which holds 1 Gil. Yay.

Afterwards, head northwest and then head south across a bridge you see to get a Treasure Chest which holds 50 Gil. Then, head north to find 3 doors here. Enter the door farthest to the west, as the other 2 lead to empty rooms and in this room, you'll find the villagers of Salamand and even Pavel. Talk to Pavel and he sees who Firion is and explains what's going on, mainly about Molly, Josef and this evil person named Borghen. He tells him he was looking for Mythril himself and got caught and tells Firion to distract the guard while he and the others escape. So, after this, head east down the stairs and on this floor, follow the path north to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Fire Scroll, then head east until you see 4 bridges. Head across the bridge to the north and follow the path to the east all the way around to the south and head down the stairs.

On this floor, head west across the bridge and follow the path and ignore the door you see and go east to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a Warp Scroll, but you'll have to fight a Spiketoise for it. Your weapons won't really hurt it, but make sure you use Ice on it to quickly end the Battle. After this, head back to the south and go across the bridge and head north this time, then enter the door to the west. You'll see someone guarding a Treasure Chest, so, heal up and get ready for a Boss Battle. When you're ready, talk to the Sergeant and if you need to, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now for a strategy on him. Otherwise, fight him yourself and continue on afterwards.

After the Battle, open the Treasure Chest nearby to get the Mythril, then, either walk your way out or use Mindu's Warp Spell or anyone else who has it to instantly leave this place. Once you're outside, you COULD head back to Salamand and see Josef, but you don't have to and instead, just head back to Altair, via the Ship in Poft by talking to the Sailor there like you did in Paloom. Once you're back in Altair, use Magic to heal the party and rest at the Inn, then go and see Hilda and show her the Mythril Item. She sees it's Mythril and tells you to go to the weapon Shop and give it to Tobul. So, do so and talk to Tobul, the old man at the weapon Shop and give him the Mythril and now Altair, Paloom and Poft have Mythril Equipment for you! I STRONGLY suggest you buy here at Altair the Mythril Sword and Mace for Firion and Mindu, then at the armour shop, buy 3 Mythril Shields, 4 Mythril Helmets, 4 Mythril Mails and 4 Mythril Gloves.

Sell whatever you don't need, stock up on whatever Items you may want and train some more if you wish. When you're ready, head out of Altair and go back to Poft. Though, at Paloom, buy Gus the Mythril Axe or any other weapons you want that you may have the characters using. Once you're at Poft, pay Cid 100 Gil to take you to Bafsk, your next destination. Or, if you want to walk it, just head northeast and follow the mountains around to the south and you'll find it. Either way, once there, enter Bafsk.