Salva Mine

Rose Hip Kobold
Blackberries Lizard Axman
Blueberries x2 Thieving Scum
Silver Vorpal Bunny
Iron Allen Tucks*
Gold x2

Head up and speak with the man for some background on what happened. Use the Save Point if you deem necessary and then continue onward. Follow the path till you reach a fork in the road, the chests contain ROSE HIP and BLACKBERRIES. Hook a left at the path and follow it till you reach two more chests, they contain BLUEBERRIES and SILVER. Return to the fork in the path and head up. Open the chest to obtain IRON and follow the path to the next section. The chest in the top left contains SPECTACLES and the two in the bottom left contain BLUEBERRIES and GOLD. Head down and left again, Claude will stop and read the sign "Beware of dragons" and decides not to go that way. Open the chest at the bottom for more GOLD. Take this time to heal up and save at the top of the screen, when ready head through the door right of the save point.

If you talked to the villagers around Salva you will know that Allen has some sort of 'stone'. This stone seems to take over Allen as he emits a blast and transforms into an ogre-like monster.

Allen Tucks
HP 400
EXP 150
FOL 500
Strong Dark
Weak Light
Drop None

It's the first boss of the game so naturally it's not that hard. Allen can hit a little bit hard but with Rena to heal it's nothing serious. Dodge his attacks and then lay into him with combos to end it.

After the fight Rena tosses Allen a heal and the group heads back to Arlia to inform everyone. After a long conversation Rena decides to go with Claude on his journey to the Sorcery Globe. Claude and Regis converse for a while and head upstairs, Rena gets Claude's attention at the balcony and asks him to come down but when he gets outside Rena is no wonder to be found. Head to the west section of town to find Rena on the bridge. After the conversation the two go to sleep, the next morning everyone is at the gate to say their goodbyes.

Continue north towards the city of Krosse. The day will get darker until it reaches night exactly as you reach Krosse.

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