
Mithril Shield Dark Crusader
Symbology Dictionary Erikodus
Spark Whip Master Wizard
Nuclear Bomb Medusa Lizard
Shadow Cross Mirre 64
Resurrection Mist Niquia LM
?ITEM/Pet Food Phantom Phoenix
Lotus Eaters Quidonya
Beta Clip River Slug
Atomic Puncher Succubus
Sylvan Boots Takikodus
Mithril Camael*
Bouro Raphael*
Medicine Bottle Zadkiel*
Refreshing Syrup Michael*
Gigawatt Stunner Haniel*
Thunderclap Rod Lucifer*
Dueling Helmet Gabriel*
Philosopher's Stone
Potion of Epiphany
Dueling Suit
Stone Cure
Goddess Statuette

Use the save point and make your way inside only to be confronted by three Ten Wise Men.

HP 45,500
EXP 19,000
FOL 22,000
Strong None
Weak Earth, Fire, Dark
Drop Sacrificial Doll (100%)
Raphael Zadkiel
HP 85,200 HP 105,800
EXP 25,000 EXP 28,000
FOL 36,000 FOL 12,000
Strong None Strong None
Weak None Weak None
Drop Sacrificial Doll (100%) Drop Sacrificial Doll (100%)

Try and keep all three from casting spells. Do this by splitting your melee fighters and having your spell caster go all out. Target Camael first since he has the lowest HP but also has the most dangerous spells. Raphael should be next to go down because he can heal. Zadkiel has death rays that deal a decent amount of damage, try and keep him pre-occupied while you take the other two out then take him out.

Enter the first floor. Take a right then go up into the next hall, the first room here has MITHRIL SHIELD and SYMBOLOGY DICTIONARY in the chests. Head back to the initial room and go into the far left door. In this hall enter the first room to find three chests containing SPARK WHIP, NUCLEAR BOMB, and SHADOW CROSS. Exit the room and continue left following the path until you are teleported to the second floor. Enter the next room and progress through the first door until you find two chests with RESURRECTION MIST and ?ITEM/PET FOOD.

Backtrack to the first room on this floor and go through the door at right. Exit at the top right to reach the third floor. Follow the path to the next room and head down until you reach the transporter. This path dead ends with chests containing LOTUS EATERS and BETA CLIP. Return to the 4-way junction on the third floor but go up this time and port to the fourth floor. Enter the left door to obtain ATOMIC PUNCHER from the chest. Back to the previous room but through the top door this time to receive SYLVAN BOOTS, MITHRIL, and FISTS OF THE TITAN from the chests. The chest from the door on the right has RUNE SHOES in it.

Backtrack once again to the 4-way split on the third floor and use the teleporter via the left path. Follow the only path to another transporter that leads to the fifth floor. Again, only one way to go here until you reach a save point. Proceed through the door to initiate one of the harder boss fights in the main story.

Michael Haniel
HP 180,000 HP 140,000
EXP 125,000 EXP 60,000
FOL 45,000 FOL 20,000
Strong All except Water Strong None
Weak Water Weak None
Drop Faerie Tear (100%) Drop None

Prepare for this battle by equipping fire resistant gear such as the Sacrificial Doll. Also equip them with Amulets of Flexibility or something that prevents stone. Set one of the melee on Haniel and take control of Claude. Use him to pummel Michael and interrupt his deadly spells. Have your healer removing stone if someone is afflicted by it since Haniel loves using a move that causes the affect. Take Michael down first then focus on Haniel, Mirror Blade works wonders in this fight.

Progress to the sixth floor via the top. The rooms here are controlled by the switches in each room. Pressing a switch one way closes and opens other doors. 1st off, head right and up then press the middle button. 2nd, enter the right room and press the right button. Go all the way up and open the chests for BOURO, MEDICINE BOTTLE, and REFRESHING SYRUP. 3rd, head back down and press the middle button. 4th, go left and press the left button. 5th, go down and left twice, press the switch. 6th, go all the way right then up, press the middle button. 7th, go left twice to reach another switch.

8th, go right two rooms and press the left button. 9th, head up and left then press the right button. 10th, left and up for another switch. 11th, down and right, press the left button. 12th, right and down then press the middle button. 13th, right and down for the final switch. Time to get out of this crazy maze. 14th, up and left pressing the left button. 15th, up then left and up one more time pressing the middle button. Take the path out to the elevator and the 7th floor.

Follow the path to an intersection and make a left. Stick this route till you reach a chest with a GIGAWATT STUNNER inside. Return to the intersection and continue right until you get to a save point. Continue going left until you reach another boss.

HP 300,000
EXP 460,000
FOL 80,000
Strong All except Fire
Weak None
Drop None

Lucifer usually unleashes a devastating attack off the start. Immediately heal up and begin a melee assault. He can also teleport around the room, use jumping techniques to close the gap and interrupt his spell casts. Now and again you can catch him mid teleport and stun him, this is key to winning the battle. Mirror Blade works well once Lucifer is stunned.

Leave Lucifer's room and head right for THUNDERCLAP ROD in the chest. Go left and take the teleporter to the eighth floor. Go through the middle hall to another teleporter. Follow the path of the ninth floor but don't forget to go through the door and grab the DUELING HELMET and PHILOSOPHER'S STONE out of the chests. The end of the path is yet another teleporter back to the eighth floor. Follow the path all the way around and continue left past the save point for now. Enter the first room for two chests containing POTION OF EPIPHANY and ATHELAS. The other rooms chests contain DUELING SUIT, STONE CURE, and GODDESS STATUETTE. Return to the save point and save.

Notice that the save file block has a blue background now as opposed to the black one. This is a trigger for two key events in the game. The first being the ability to enter VR Expel and travel to the Maze of Tribulations. The other being able to turn off Gabriel's limit and make him the hardest boss in the game. Check out the Sidequests section of the guide for more information.

HP 500,000
EXP 600,000
FOL 90,000
Strong None
Weak None
Drop None

This is it, the final battle of the game. Gabriel isn't that hard to manage during this phase considering he is slothy and uses few spells. The spells he does use are devastating and will require immediate healing to all party members. When Gabriel emits halos use jump attacks to break the chain and do some damage. If someone goes down be sure to get them up immediately. Watch trying to chain attacks too much because if Gabriel slips away he most likely will get a spell off.

After 1/3 of his HP is drained, Gabriel will cast Time of Truth. This is phase 2 and Gabriel moves much faster now. He can cast instant death spells on top of his previous arsenal and can cast while moving. Once again, Mirror Blade is a choice technique for this battle.

Enjoy the ending, which ever one you may have ended up with.

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