Lacuer City

Star Ruby Brownie
Armory Contest Badge Troll
6500 Fol Ogre
Deadly Edge Shielder

To start off, there is a lot of stuff that can be done here. We'll start by heading into the castle's throne room and making a right, taking more stairs. The first room on the right has a chest with a STAR RUBY. Now head to the receptionist's that you passed on your way, talk to the bottom one and then the top one and join the Armory Contest. You now have to choose between one of four shop sponsors. The importance of your choice lies in that you keep the gear you are sponsored with, knowing that it's best to choose Counterpunch to get gear that will actually benefit you. Knockout has the Farcutter but you may have better and if not we'll upgrade that soon.

|=============================================================================| | Weapons Shop - The Counterpunch | Weapons Shop - The Knockout | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | Weapon Sinclair | Weapon Farcutter | | Helmet Plate Helm | Helmet Leather Helmet | | Armor Brigandine | Armor Leather Armor | | Shield Buckler | Shield Wooden Shield | | Greaves Silver Greaves | Greaves Leather Greaves | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | Items: Sweet Syrup x2, Mixed Syrup | Items: Sweet Syrup x2, Mixed Syrup | | Blackberry | Blackberry | |=====================================|=======================================| | Weapons Shop - The Straight Jab | Weapons Shop - The Savage Slayer | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | Weapon Guthgwine | Weapon Walloon Sword | | Helmet Padded Helmet | Helmet Iron Helmet | | Armor Padded Armor | Armor Ring Mail | | Shield Knight's Shield | Shield Round Shield | | Greaves Plate Greaves | Greaves Iron Greaves | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | Items: Sweet Syrup x2, Mixed Syrup | Items: Fruit Syrup, Strength Bottle | | Blackberry | Refreshing Syrup, Violent Pill | |=============================================================================|

After choosing your sponsor you obtain the ARMORY CONTEST BADGE. Return to the town central for a scene. When this ends you are free to do anything you want right now (to include Pickpocketing everyone in town) but when you are ready head to the Inn.

Item Shop The Smith's Source
Aquaberries 105 Fol
Blackberries 200 Fol
Blueberries 60 Fol
Amulet of Antivennin 5000 Fol
Fountain Pen 460 Fol
Mandrake 150 Fol
Rose Hip 230 Fol
Artemis Leaf 720 Fol
Wolfsbane 360 Fol
Lavender 490 Fol
Athelas 660 Fol
Strength Bottle 230 Fol
Paralysis Cure 180 Fol
Pet Food 10 Fol
Smith's Hammer 250 Fol
Stone Cure 450 Fol
Food Shop Culinary Carnival
Luxury Grape Juice *100 Fol
Seafood 500 Fol
Fruit 80 Fol
Grains 145 Fol
Meat 300 Fol
Vegetables 30 Fol
Egg and Dairy 10 Fol

*Price is equal to 100 + (250 x minutes played)

Skill Guild Princely Knowledge
Sense 3 2700 Fol
Combat 1 400 Fol
Combat 2 1600 Fol
Combat 3 4500 Fol
Weapon Shop The Counterpunch
Sinclair 860 Fol
Plate Helmet 7000 Fol
Brigandine 3500 Fol
Buckler 650 Fol
Silver Greaves 5200 Fol
Sweet Syrup 300 Fol
Mixed Syrup 500 Fol
Blackberries 200 Fol
Weapon Shop The Knockout
Farcutter 12,300 Fol
Leather Helmet 50 Fol
Leather Armor 300 Fol
Wooden Shield 120 Fol
Leather Greaves 50 Fol
Sweet Syrup 300 Fol
Mixed Syrup 500 Fol
Blackberries 200 Fol
Twin Splicers 3000 Fol
Weapon Shop The Straight Jab
Guthgwine 4500 Fol
Padded Helmet 120 Fol
Padded Armor 600 Fol
Knight's Shield 1000 Fol
Plate Greaves 800 Fol
Sweet Syrup 300 Fol
Mixed Syrup 500 Fol
Blackberries 200 Fol
Crested Rod 1200 Fol
Weapon Shop The Savage Slayer
Walloon Sword 3900 Fol
Iron Helmet 1200 Fol
Ring Mail 1200 Fol
Round Shield 500 Fol
Iron Greaves 110 Fol
Fruit Syrup 600 Fol
Refreshing Syrup 800 Fol
Strength Bottle 230 Fol
Violence Pill 140 Fol
Heavy Whip 3000 Fol

When you wake up in the morning note all the new people in town that can be Pickpocketed. Head through the castle to the Lacuer Arena and sign in. Go left into the waiting room and speak to the other combatants to start Claude's first match. It's just a Brownie and it doesn't hit very hard. Exit the waiting room and head into the door at right to enter the spectator's area. Head to the back section and speak with Celine. After the scene it's time for Claude's second bout. The Troll hits a little hard but doesn't have much HP so use Helmetbreak a few times and finish with normal attacks.

The semifinal match starts immediately following the previous one. The Ogre hits like a truck, is aggressive, and fast. The best way to win here is evade the Ogre and spam Helmetbreak until it's over. If you lose then you miss out on a valuable item and will have to fight a Shielder to get back in to the finals. The final match is against Dias and unfortunately all attacks do 0 damage so this one is impossible to win.

The contest is over but second place still has prizes! Return to your sponsor and receive all the gear you wore and 6500 FOL. If Claude defeated the Ogre in the semifinals then head to the west side of town and into Gamgee's Hut. He will give Claude the DEADLY EDGE, a weapon that can be customized to become arguably the best weapon in the game. At this point in the game you can either head to Linga or opt to recruit Opera if you have not recruited Ashton. You may also partake in a sidequest at this time. For more details on it check out section 05.01.


Requirement: After the Lacuer Armory Contest but before you complete Bowman's quest. Must have 4 or more party members.

What to do: Head towards the castle to have Welch land on the protagonist. After some conversing you have the option to recruit Welch.

Mountain Palace

Lunar Charm Archer
Crystal Fudd
Faerie Statuette Hound
Emerald Ring Petri Gerel
Crested Rod Sandglass
Amber Robe Slime Pool
?MINERAL/Damascus Thieving Scum
Damascus Fire Lizard*
Faerie Cologne
?HERB/Artemis Leaf
Resurrection Elixir
?JEWELRY/Glittering Earring

First off, you cannot do this if you did not do the Private Action in Krosse where Claude runs into the Three-Eyed Man. If you did then head to the bar in Hilton to start a scene involving a Three-Eyed woman, her name is Opera. Head to Krosse and request an audience with the king to get permission to enter the Mountain Palace - he also throws in 10,000 FOL for the trip. To get to this place head towards Kurik but don't cross the bridge, instead follow the path left.

Open the chests for a LUNAR CHARM and CRYSTAL. Talk to the guard to make him move. Talk to him again to rest for free, which is highly suggested.

At the first junction make a left and follow it around until you reach a four way intersection. Go northwest till you reach an area where you can go through a tunnel. Follow this tunnel to it's end to find ?HERB/ARTEMIS LEAF in the chest. Make your way back out of the tunnel and follow the path to find another tunnel at the top of the screen. Follow this till it dead ends with two chests containing a RESURRECTION ELIXIR and ?JEWELRY/GLITTERING EARRING. Go into the next room and use the save point. Open the two chests in the next room for CESTUS and ?MINERAL/ORICHALCUM. Now you need to return to the entrance.

From the main entrance go straight at the junction and when you reach another fork continue straight. Claude runs into Opera here and after some conversing Claude agrees to help out. Go down the stairs and go up at the junction. Heal up and use the save point, then proceed into the next room.

Fire Lizard x2
HP 5000
EXP 4000
FOL 8000
Strong Fire
Weak Water
Drop Ring of Fusion (100%)

The attack that's really going to get you in this one is the Fire Lizard's fiery breath. It can hit multiple times and is just bad news all around. You can wear some Ruby's if you feel necessary to reduce the damage. The best strategy here is to just follow Opera's lead and stick to one boss at a time. Should go down fairly quickly especially if you have Claude equipped with an overpowered weapon at this point in the game.

After the battle leave via the door at right and enter the first room you come across. Inside are three chests containing a CRESTED ROD, AMBER ROBE, and ?MINERAL/DAMASCUS. Leave this room and head right following the path until you reach a laboratory; Opera joins the party. The chests here contain DAMASCUS, FAERIE COLOGNE, and WOLFSBANE. Return to hallway before the boss room and go right then head down the stairs when you see a double door. The room at the end here has two chests with a FAERIE STATUETTE and EMERALD RING.

Leave the Mountain Palace and make your way to the Sacred Forest. Upon finding Opera's ship you have successfully completed all optional events in order to permanently recruit Opera and Ernest. The events that occur later in the game will be automatic and will be discussed then, for now you have Opera.

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