Cave of Crimson Crystals

Resurrection Elixir Hellhound
?MINERAL/Moonstone Peryton
Theory of Symbology Red Balloon
Dream Bracelet Shockray
Cinderella Glass Arachnovia*
Eagle's Claw
Chisato's Card
Fruit Syrup

Small dungeon, tough enemies, and decent experience. Take the path on the far right and open the chest at the top for RESURRECTION ELIXIR. Return to the bottom then head up into the yellow entrance. This room has three chests with ?MINERAL/MOONSTONE, THEORY OF SYMBOLOGY, and DREAM BRACELET. Go back to the large room once more and take the far left exit. Continue along the left wall until you reach CINDERELLA GLASS in a chest. Make your way to the bottom right pathway to enter a new area. Make your way down the stairs to get the chest containing EAGLE'S CLAW. If you've been keeping up with Chisato she will have another scene and drop CHISATO'S CARD.

Pick her card up and continue right to see the Psynard. Take the first chance down and ride it around to the left. Use the save point after you get the FRUIT SYRUP and ?MINERAL/METEORITE from the right side. Proceed up to find some monsters attacking the Psynard.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Arachnovia x2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 40,000 | |EXP | 39,000 | |FOL | 26,000 | |Strong | None | |Weak | None | |Drop | Steel Armor (39%), Sacrificial Doll (61%) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These things are fast and can teleport around the battlefield. They can | |also block very well from the front. Use your melee characters to either pin | |one down and attack from both sides or use a split attack with specials. | |Either way, your spell caster should be going all out to lock them down. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

When the fight is over the Psynard becomes friendly and allows Claude to ride it. Noel wants to tag along if you'll let him. Either way, ride your new friend to Centropolis and speak with Mayor Nall. Your new task is to survive the Four Trials of Energy Nede. Nall forks over a COMBO LINK and RUNE CODE to grant access to these fields. If you have Chisato's Card head to the second floor and speak with her at her desk. She'll ask to join if the party isn't full, if it is her boss yells at her to stop following you.

At this point in the game you have access to basically the entire map. Feel free to do as you please and note that you can now utilize all the creation skills as well as their tricks to include leveling to 100 easily and never needing Fol again. Check out the Extras section for more information on this. For now you can head to the Field of Wisdom just north of Centropolis.

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