Eluria Tower

Meteor Ring Darth Widow
Steel Helmet Defender
Amulet of Flexibility Elder Witchette
Holy Mist Frost Lizard
X Clip Goathead
Aquaberries Orange Gelatin
Sapphire Timekeeper
Paralysis Cure Cynne*
Music Editor Stone Statue*
Pixie's Bracelet Metatron*
Crested Shield x2
Stone Cure
Star Ruby
Super Puncher
Refreshing Syrup
?ARMOR/Blessed Plate Armor
Key Card
Battle Suit
Medicine Bottle
Fists of the Giant
Gale Earring

Approach the large door to show the ID Card that you got from the armory. In this first area open the five chests to acquire METEOR RING, STEEL HELMET, AMULET OF FLEXIBILITY, HOLY MIST, and X CLIP. Check the statue here to get the note 3-A and equip Claude with the Meteor Ring. Head up the stairs and open three more chests to obtain AQUABERRIES, SAPPHIRE, and PARALYSIS CURE - the statues read 5-H. Head through the open passageway on the left to discover three chests containing MUSIC EDITOR, PIXIE'S BRACELET, and CRESTED SHIELD. Equip the Pixie's Bracelet on anyone and by simply walking around you will acquire new items just like the Sprite's Bracelet except these items are better. Return to the previous room and head up. Utilize the save point here and then take the elevator.

Examine the statue to the right for the note 4-T. Open the chests at the end of the left path for STONE CURE and STAR RUBY. Take the elevator on the right up and open the chests to acquire CRYSTAL and SUPER PUNCHER - the statue reads 1-D. Take the elevator up to the top floor to find three more chests that contain REFRESHING SYRUP, CRESTED SHIELD, and ?ARMOR/BLESSED PLATE ARMOR. Take the elevator on the left down a floor and examine the glass statue for the note 2-E. Return to the top floor and talk to the statue. Enter the code DEATH to obtain the KEY CARD.

As a heads up a very good piece of gear is able to be stolen in the next section. If you have Pickpocket it is suggested to return to the 2nd floor and save before moving on so that you may reload if you are not successful. Use the left elevator to go to the 4th floor then use the left elevator here to progress to a new area. Approach the red gate on the left and enjoy the scene.

Once aboard the Calnus watch the scenes until you gain control of Claude. Use this chance to pickpocket the extremely rare BATTLE SUIT, consult the Pickpocketing section for more details. When you are ready to go talk to Ronyx. After some intense scenes you regain control of Claude. Enter the elevator to go up to the next floor. Use the save point and exit at the top to meet a familiar foe.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cynne | Stone Statue x2 | |--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |HP | 21,000 |HP | 2200 | |EXP | 45,000 |EXP | 200 | |FOL | 52,000 |FOL | 50 | |Strong | All |Strong | Dark | |Weak | None |Weak | Light | |Drop | Emerald Ring (100%) |Drop | None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This battle is incredibly easy considering Cynne can actually take damage | |this time around. Bring three melee and Rena because spells are pointless | |due to his resistances. With the Meteor Ring equipped on Claude using normal | |attacks are more than enough to bring the Stone Statues down and specials | |should suffice in tearing Cynne to shreds. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Return to the save point then return to where you fought Cynne and take the elevator. The right path has two chests containing MEDICINE BOTTLE and SPLINTER. Follow the left path for and open two chests for FISTS OF THE GIANT and MURASAME. Continue around the corner to the next area with a GALE EARRING in the chest. Take the right elevator and prepare for a boss fight.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Metatron | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 100,000 | |EXP | N/A | |FOL | N/A | |Strong | All | |Weak | None | |Drop | N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Much like the battle with Cynne the first time, you cannot win this fight | |but you also cannot let the party fall. Have everyone spread out and take | |control of Rena, healing as needed. Try to pre-emptively heal because two | |quick hits from Metatron normally means death for a character. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

After the battle an FMV occurs and the party wakens in Nede. Rena heads off and the party follows her into a transporter. Exit the transporter enter the room on the right.

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