Fun City

Godslayer Zaphkiel*
Knuckles of Hope Jophiel*
Void Matter Metatron*

Incase you visited Fun City earlier here are the shop lists.

Item Shop Fun City Giftshop
Keen Kitchen Knife 12,000 Fol
Feather Pen 20 Fol
Fountain Pen 460 Fol
Magical Camera 9800 Fol
Magical Film 900 Fol
Premium Paper 150 Fol
Mechanic's Toolbox 1200 Fol
Conductor Baton 85 Fol
Beret 40,000 Fol
Aquaberries 105 Fol
Blackberries 200 Fol
Blueberries 60 Fol
Crown 1600 Fol
Harmonica 500 Fol
Spectacles 8 Fol
Evening Gown 5000 Fol
Pin Heels 300 Fol
Antidote 140 Fol
Paralysis Cure 180 Fol
Stone Cure 450 Fol
Strawberry Jam 50 Fol
Raspberry Jam 60 Fol
Apple Jam 70 Fol
Aloe Jam 80 Fol
Food Shop Rainbow Cafe
Luxury Grape Juice *100 Fol
Chicken Doria 520 Fol
Orange Soda 110 Fol
Apple Crepe 200 Fol
Hotcake 340 Fol
Chicken Shish Kebab 500 Fol
Egg Fried Rice 300 Fol
Gyoza Dumplings 280 Fol
Strawberry Rice Cake 2250 Fol
Cola 300 Fol

*Price is equal to 100 + (250 x minutes played)

Fanfic Convention
Fanfic 800 Fol
Fanfic! 3000 Fol
Fanfic!!! 10,000 Fol
Fanfic X 10,000 Fol

You are taken to the arena in Fun City to duel simulations of the Ten Wise Men. After three days of training Mirage appears and gives the group some new weapons - GODSLAYER and KNUCKLES OF HOPE - along with the VOID MATTER. Now the party has the proper tools for battle against the Ten Wise Men. Use the save point here and choose the option "Visit Mayor Nall" when you are ready to continue. This option also leads to a boss fight with some of the real Ten Wise Men.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Zaphkiel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 150,000 | |EXP | 72,000 | |FOL | 50,000 | |Strong | Earth, Fire, Dark | |Weak | None | |Drop | None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Zaphkiel, like most of the Ten Wise Men, is rather quick. He dodges and | |attempts counter attacks often. Try to get a spell on him to create an open- | |ing for some good combos. Aterna and Mephistofar help keep Zaphkiel stunned | |for the majority of the fight if you've crafted them. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Use the save point in the lobby and leave the arena. Unfortunately you can't leave yet because Jophiel is on a killing spree.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jophiel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 160,000 | |EXP | 83,000 | |FOL | 54,000 | |Strong | None | |Weak | None | |Drop | Velvet Tear (100%) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Not too much to say here. Jophiel is even easier than Zaphkiel was. The one| |advantage he has is speed but it's not hard to close the gap. Use Dragon Roar| |to give him a knock back then pin him either in a corner or between your | |melee fighters. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

With two of the three down the group remembers that Metatron was after Mirage and heads to Armlock.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Metatron | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 170,000 | |EXP | 99,000 | |FOL | 58,000 | |Strong | All but Dark | |Weak | None | |Drop | Potion of Merlin (100%) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Out of the three bosses you fight, Metatron is by far the most difficult. | |He can raise a Force Shield that makes him impervious to attack and each time| |it is used it lasts for 25 seconds. The key here is to dodge his attacks till| |the shield drops and then pummel him with everything you have. Stunning him | |is the choice method here. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

As you leave Armlock one of Nall's messengers tells you to head to L'Aqua. To get here fly northwest of Fun City.

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