Hoffman Ruins

Stone Cure Axman of Doom
Ricochet Bracelet Black Slime
Angelic Headband Bowlady
White Clip Ghost
Aquaberries Protector
Tedious Handy Stick Salamander
Dictionary Whelp
Paralysis Cure Halfynx*
Holy Mist
Green Beryl x2
Breeze Earring
Custard of Life
Primavera x2
Medicine Bottle
Fruit Syrup
Hot Syrup
Hammer Charm
Mechanic's Toolbox
Daze Bomb
Storm Ring
Amulet of Freedom
Sour Syrup
?HERB/Artemis Leaf
Hexagram Card
Energy Stone

Head up the stairs and help Leon open the main door. Enter the first door on the left for a STONE CURE in the chest. The chest in the next room on the left contains RICOCHET BRACELET. The chests in the door at the end of the hall have ANGELIC HEADBAND and WHITE CLIP inside. Back in the hall, run towards the entrance and make a right. Use the save point in this room and prepare for a long dungeon.

Take the elevator and don't veer any direction at the fork. In this larger room the chest contains AQUABERRIES. Follow the top right path to a room with a chest containing TEDIOUS HANDY STICK. Return to previous room and head left and take the top path to find DICTIONARY and PARALYSIS CURE in the chests. Return to the first fork after coming down the elevator and go up. The chests here contain HOLY MIST and GREEN BERYL. Continue heading right till you run into a lever, pull it. This will leave a large hole in the wall, enter it and take the left path to find a BREEZE EARRING in a chest. Go back down and take the right path up to an area with bunk beds - open the chest here for ORICHALCUM. Proceed down the path to the right to find CUSTARD OF LIFE and GOLD in the chests.

In the previous room take the lower right path to another room with a PRIMAVERA in a chest. Follow this path to another room where chests contain a DIAMOND and MEDICINE BOTTLE. Exit right into a hall and grab the FRUIT SYRUP from the chest as you pass by. Go down the path and open two more chests containing HOT SYRUP and HAMMER CHARM. Take the exit on the right and find more chests in the next room with MECHANIC'S TOOLBOX and DAZE BOMB.

Back up two rooms and take the lower path. Grab the BLACKBERRIES from the chest and the GREEN BERYL from another along the right path. Exit at the bottom and in the next room open the chest at the top right for a STORM RING Exit via the bottom and get the PRIMAVERA from the chest along the path. Use the save point here and continue along the lower left path. Follow the path all the way around to the next room and open the chest here for AMULET OF FREEDOM then continue left. Chests in the room hold SOUR SYRUP and ?HERB/ARTEMIS LEAF.

Return to the previous room and take the top right path to another room where you should follow the top path. The chest in this room contains a HEXAGRAM CARD. Backtrack to the save point, use it once more and then proceed at top for a boss encounter.

Halfynx x2
HP 36,700
EXP 20,000
FOL 5000
Strong Fire, Wind
Weak Light, Dark
Drop Star Ruby (100%)

The bosses here unleash a devastating spell called Thunderstorm on the party and it needs to be countered. To do this bring two melee characters and use Claude to attack the boss that the other melee character is not. Set Rena to be healing constantly and have your ranged/spell character go all out as long as the spell isn't Fire or Wind based. If Rena does not have the Cure All spell then level her up until she does, it makes the fight immensely less difficult. Keep on the offensive with special arts moves and interrupt those castings of Thunderstorm.

With the battle over the group receives the ENERGY STONE. If you have done all the optional events and have Opera in your group Ernest will appear at the entrance possessed by a ghost. Defeat the ghost and when given the option you may choose to keep Ernest in the group. If you do then Opera and Ernest are permanent members, if not then Opera leaves the group and you miss out on both characters. Return to the beach and talk to the soldier. Upon returning to the Lacuer Continent head to Lacuer City and speak with the King at the Throne Room. From here head off to the Lacuer Front Line Base at the northern end of the continent.

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