
Thief's Glove
Sprite's Bracelet

Before you head to Kurik it's good to note that there's a unique item that can only be obtained during a one-time Private Action here. Once you leave Kurik to continue your journey it is no longer accessible. Also, this Private Action is a step towards making the final boss of the game much more difficult by turning his limiter off. If you don't want to do this, completely skip the optional and Private Action sections below.

OPTIONAL: Pickpocket the Sprite's Bracelet Accessory from Philia in Kurik.

What's so good about this item and why are you going out of your way so much for it? When equipped it gives items to Claude at random and sometimes Fol. It also gives Counterfeit Medals which can be used to drop the players needed exp. to level to 1. Albeit rare, they are fairly handy up until level 100 as they essentially grant a free level. Best used immediately after leveling.

To do this you need the Pickpocket ability and the Thief's Gloves which cost 40,000 Fol. Having the Nimble Fingers talent is not necessary but it increases your chances of pickpocketing ten fold and is highly recommended - actually if you don't have the Nimble Fingers talent, don't even bother with this.

First things first, we need the proper skills to gain Pickpocket. Head to the town of Harley on the far east coast of the continent. Go to the Skill Guild and purchase all the skills they have to offer. This will give you a few handy skills to include - Determination, Purity, and Poker Face. The first thing you need to do is start dumping Skill Points in to Determination on the character that has Nimble Fingers, most likely Claude. It will take 80 SP to max it out but it's worth it. Next work on getting Claude's Courage and Poker Face skills to 4 or 5 each to gain Pickpocketing level 4 or 5.

Skill Guild Neptune's Wisdom
Knowledge 2 1500 Fol
Sense 2 1600 Fol
Technical 1 400 Fol
Combat 1 400 Fol

Now for the long part. You need 40,000 Fol for the Thief's Gloves and at this point in the game it is not easy, that is unless you have the Purity skill. The easiest way to do gain Fol is to get Determination maxed out on Celine and then begin dumping points into Purity. Personally, I removed Claude and Rena from the party and just solo Celine because she'll need to be level 15 or 16 before you have enough Skill Points to throw down. Run around Krosse Cave for the best leveling right now. All in all, this should take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on how lucky you are with encounters.

There is another way to do it in about 10 minutes total. Find a talent that Celine doesn't have but can learn, a good one would be Originality - it's what I used so it'll be the example. In this case Crafting can be used to learn the Originality or Nimble Fingers talent. It's a slim chance but you should be able to just buy some Iron from Salva and then save. Start Crafting all of your Iron with Celine until she learns a talent, if she doesn't just reload. She will acquire 100 SP for learning the talent, put 80 in Determination and the rest in to Purity. You should have Determination maxed out and Purity at level 7 or 8, not to mention around 48,000 Fol.

Once you have enough Fol, ie; 40,000 or more, return to Harley and purchase the THIEF'S GLOVES. Equip them on Claude, assuming he has the Nimble Fingers talent and Pickpocketing, and head to Kurik. During the Private Action here be sure to Pickpocket Philia for the SPRITE'S BRACELET.


Requirement: Must be done before you start the event involving Ketil.

What to do: Head towards the middle Kurik and Philia will begin ranting about how Kurik is going to be completely destroyed. This is all there is to it, later in the game you can complete this chain to disable the final boss' limiter making him much stronger. Note that this is the only chance to obtain the Sprite's Bracelet. Be sure to do the optional stuff stated prior to this Private Action if you want it.

Welcome to Kurik. Enter the house at the bottom of the screen when you come in and open the chest containing LYRE. Head to Fountain Square and into the restaurant for three chests containing VEGETABLES, GRAINS, and SEAFOOD. Feel free to upgrade your equipment if you want but the next town offers much better and isn't too far off, not to mention there are no boss encounters till then.

Weapon Shop The Border Guard
Sinclair 860 Fol
Hard Knuckles 300 Fol
Rod 10 Fol
Padded Armor 600 Fol
Robe 10 Fol
Wooden Shield 120 Fol
Round Shield 500 Fol
Boots 40 Fol
Boots of Happiness 80 Fol
Iron Greaves 110 Fol
Antique Shop Milly's Favorites
Aquaberries 105 Fol
Blackberries 200 Fol
Blueberries 60 Fol
Anklet 400 Fol
Mandrake 150 Fol
Wolfsbane 360 Fol
Resurrection Elixir 3600 Fol
Gold 300 Fol
Harmonica 500 Fol
Magic Canvas 1000 Fol
Magical Clay 600 Fol
Crepe Guy
Banana Crepe 90 Fol
Chocolate Crepe 115 Fol
Baker Kurik Pastries
Hotcake 340 Fol
Egg Sandwich 250 Fol
Grains 145 Fol
Vegetables 30 Fol
Eggs and Dairy 10 Fol
Ice Cream Gal
Orange Sherbet 16 Fol
Vanilla Ice Cream 30 Fol
Skill Guild The Wise Mariner
Knowledge 1 300 Fol
Sense 1 400 Fol
Technical 1 400 Fol
Combat 1 400 Fol

When you're done doing everything there is to do, head to the docks and speak with the Ship Captain. Return to Fountain Square to start an event in which Rena's wallet gets stolen. Go to the docks and talk to the little boy and girl, they tell you that Ketil is normally playing alone near the bar so head there. Rena gets her wallet back and Ketil agrees to be a tour guide. Enter the Mansion on the Hill, the first building at the bottom when you enter Kurik, to start a scene with Ketil's mother and housekeeper.

Make your way to Fountain Square where an earthquake occurs, ignore it and talk to the children on the docks. Ketil and the kids make up and play, the party decides it's time to move on. Last chance to get anything you want done because after you talk to the Ship Captain there's no turning back. The Ship Captain will tell Rena to make any last minute purchases before heading off so return to Fountain Square. An earthquake of seismic proportions occurs and a FMV begins, head up the stairs after it ends to start another one. Speak with the captain afterwards who directs the group to the town of Harley and notes Marze is a good place to rest and stock up. Finish talking to everyone and head south towards Krosse then east to Marze.

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