Field of Might

Assault Bomb Athul Athul
Melt Potion Dark Crusader
Armor of the Arc Ghast
Knuckles of the Moon Insane Lord
Blackberries Yeti
Sword of Marvels Guardian*
?ARMOR/Mithril Helmet
Ring of Might
Orb of Might

Start off by heading all the way right. In this area you will find a Yeti guarding a lever. During battle if the Yeti reaches the lever a wall blocks the path and you miss out on the ASSAULT BOMB, MELT POTION, and ARMOR OF THE ARC in the chests. Return to the previous area heading through the top left path. Defeat the Yeti here and exit to the right climbing the ladder to obtain KNUCKLES OF THE MOON from the chest. Climb to the top then head left fighting another Yeti along the way. Following the path open the chest for some BLACKBERRIES then exit this hall.

Head through the left passage till you find a chest with a SWORD OF MARVELS in it. Return to the previous area then head up the ladder and all the way right. Battle yet another Yeti then continue right to a chest containing ?ARMOR/MITHRIL HELMET. Follow the winding path around to the next area. Go left and up the ladder then all the way right choosing the right ladder. Open the chest at the top for RING OF MIGHT which doubles attack power but also doubles all elemental damage. Return to the bottom taking the left ladder this time. Use the save point in the next area then make your way across the bridge for a boss fight.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Guardian | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 130,000 | |EXP | 150,000 | |FOL | 64,000 | |Strong | Fire, Earth, Water | |Weak | Dark | |Drop | Ring of Absorption (100%) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For the most part the Guardian is like any other boss; it hits hard and can| |devastate the group without proper healing. Have your healer set to keep | |everyone alive and pummel the Guardian with ferocious melee attacks. Your | |caster comes into play after the boss loses 1/3 of his life and buries into | |the ground. Change your melee's tactics to stay away from enemies and heal up| |during this time. Your caster should be wrecking the boss at this point and | |eventually the Guardian will emerge from his safety zone. Finish him off with| |jump attacks like Helmetbreak and Jump 'n Thump. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Finish crossing the bridge to the altar and obtain the ORB OF MIGHT of a quick flashback. Leave the Field of Might because it's time to venture to the Field of Courage which is found just south east of Centropolis.


If for some reason you let the Yeti's hit the switches in every single battle and cannot find a way out. Return to the top of the area where you looted the Knuckles of the Moon from a chest. There is a ledge that leads towards the screen. You will receive the option to yell to see if there is an echo, but an avalanche will commence and carry you out of the dungeon.

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