Sacred Grounds of Linga

Lavender x3 Bloodhound
Ruby Coquettish Whip
Wolfsbane Killer Rabbit
Mixed Syrup Mandrake
Chain of Might Ooze
Mandrake Wolfhead
Rainbow Diamond Visseya
Dill Whip
Artemis Leaf
Bubble Lotion
Athelas x2
Drill Puncher
Rose Hip
Amulet of Antivennin
Twin Splicers
Cinderella Glass
?ARMOR/Rune Buckler
Medicine Bottle

Immediately in front of you at the entrance is LAVENDER. Take the left path down the stairs to a chest with a RUBY inside then continue up. Grab the herb on the ground but this one is just WOLFSBANE. Go right and under the bridge, open the chest for MIXED SYRUP. Take the stairs and follow the path to the intersection, go northwest then at the next intersection go down the stairs - inside the chest is CHAIN OF MIGHT. Go back up and take the left path to the next screen then head up till you reach another. Down the stairs is an herb but it's just a MANDRAKE. Below here take the left split to a chest containing a RAINBOW DIAMOND, the herb here is CLARISAGE and you may pick it if you want but Bowman makes a bigger deal about the Dill Whip since it's truly a new species to him.

Go back up and take the right split. Continue right and pick the ARTEMIS LEAF here. Return to the previous screen and head down. Open the chest with BUBBLE LOTION in it. Head down and back up the stairs continuing till you reach the 4-way intersection again. This time we'll go up and when the path splits take the right one. Grab the ATHELAS at the end of the path and return to the split, this time going down the middle path. Head right and down the stairs continuing past the skeleton to find a LAVENDER.

Return to the previous area and go up past the skeleton, the chest contains a DRILL PUNCHER. Go left from here and grab the LAVENDER underneath the large dragon skeleton. Left and around the bend nets a ROSE HIP. Continuing this path leads to a chest containing an AMULET OF ANTIVENNIN. Go right and all the way up this time to a new area. Grab the ATHELAS on the ground and open the chest containing TWIN SPLICERS which you should put on Ashton if you have him. Continue right and use the save point, proceed north for a boss fight.

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Visseya x3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP | 10,000 | |EXP | 4200 | |FOL | 7000 | |Strong | None | |Weak | Light | |Drop | Orichalcum (50%), Damascus (50%) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These things are slow but possibly deadly. They basically bite you but that| |can lead to poisoning or consuming that character. Eliminate them one at a | |time and make sure all characters are set to go all out, including Rena. This| |will help ensure no one dies from being consumed. Claude's Helmetbreak is | |still very effective and recommended as always. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

When the fight is over open the chests to receive CINDERELLA GLASS, ?ARMOR/RUNE BUCKLER, and MEDICINE BOTTLE. Identify the ?ARMOR and equip the Rune Buckler on Rena for best results and return to Linga. Go to Bowman's shop and let the scenes unfold. Eventually you'll gain control of Claude inside Bowman's house, Pickpocket your friends and head to the back room. When the plan is set head for Lacuer.

Head to the castle and speak with the first receptionist. Enter the castle lobby and speak with Gamgee to receive PLATE ARMOR. Then head to the upper- most room in the castle, the Royal Bedroom, and open the chest for 10,000 FOL Return to the castle lobby and head right to enter the laboratory. After much discussion with the King and Leon the group decides to go to Hoffman Ruins. Leon gives the group the COMBO LINK and temporarily joins the party. Head to Hilton at this time and stock up on Paralysis Cure and Stone Cure. Talk to the soldier at the docks to sail to the ruins.

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